Where do I find my ideas for posts ?

Where do I find my ideas for posts ?

Hey !

Okay, yes, I know xD with what I’ve said in the previous post about not having the inspiration… this is quite ironic that this is the very next post going after, mh ?

Well.. that’s just how I got inspired ahah I can’t control that 🤷🏽‍♀️
Anyway ! So here’s my tips/where I usually find my ideas to write my blog posts, hopefully this shall be a little inspiring for you aswell 🙂

1) While i’m at work
This one was more when I was working at the Sex Shop, as it usually occur to me when i’m cleaning and well.. I have alot more time dealing with customers now *aherm*.. 

but this post right here actually got flinged into my head while I was mopping my floors/cleaning the bathrooms ! 😄

2) From other bloggers (bloghopping, past prompts..)
Sometimes you just need a little help, sometimes you happen to read a post while bloghopping and your brain go “PING!” with an idea.

**Very important to say/tag the person/specific post that inspired you. we don’t want no idea stealers here..**

3) Tags
Let’s say it .. tags are really handy when you have no idea what you wanna post. It’s fun, readers can learn more about your tastes and the person behind the blog; plus, let’s face it, there’s a SEA of tags out there XD

4) Do a list.. bloggers LOVE lists
Enough said. It can be anything ! Your list of what shows you wanna watch, your top “X” of books, anything you can list is good !

5) Talk with people!
Wether it’s family or other bloggers, sometimes someone will say something and it just clicks in your brain and there you have an idea for your post !

Granted I’m not the one talking of anime over here, but one exemple of that is how my coworker was saying how Netflix had a new anime and she was excited because she loved the Netflix originals animes… and it clicked onto a neat post idea would be going over our opinion of Netflix original animes VS “classic anime website” animes.

6) Look over what you may do different
Exemples of this can be how you write your reviews, how you get your ideas (a-ha!), what you use your bullet journal for, your tips to stay organized..


PS; Don’t forget to write your ideas somewhere !! It can always come in handy, even if you don’t feel like writting it/don’t have an idea of how to develop it now. 

How do you get your ideas ? Do we have some in common?