Why is reading different than other hobbies?

Why is reading different than other hobbies?

Ever wondered why do we, as a society, treat reading differently? I don’t know if it’s because reading & blogging are tied together in my mind, but I’d worry so much more if I spend a day not reading than I would for gaming.


While I do priorise gaming alot, especially in daytime (as explained here), I feel like there’s so much more pressure onto reading.. which bleeds onto blogging too, because what can I possibly blog about if I don’t feel like reading?? — that create anxiety, as i’m so scared of losing my drive to blogging if I miss more than one day. Hiatus are fine for everybody but me kinda thing..

There’s a multitude of reasons why one might not feel like reading – not only a slump, but feeling sick, overworking, etc. and yet seeing so many people reading 100+ books a year I feel so much more guilty of it (especially in relation to my blog, as I said) than I would not playing for a day, let’s say. It’s also different being one of the only reading in french that I know of- or having different set of genres preferences I should say-. Being a solo player haven’t bothered me as much as reading my Anna Caritas serie and not being able to talk about that with anyone, or much on my blog at all as nobody know/many of you can’t read that as it’s not translated..

Furthermore, as there’s a community we can easily compare ourself too, though we shouldn’t, I tend to give rules to reading now that I can’t seem to shake? Which I always struggled with, as it’s a hobby I gained from my godmother, it’s not completely “mine” as I long went by “her rules” or whatever I thought was by what she had said to me growing up..


I always feel like I don’t have many hobbies.. the main things that I do are ofcourse reading, blogging & gaming when i’m not at work- and yet somehow it’s so hard for me to get a new hobby. I do have plenty of time and ressources to get the stuff needed, but I’d do it for maybe a day and then forget & drop it..

I’ve done that so many time with exercising, although arguably I did it just because I should and not by pure wanting to; I didn’t find the measure or purpose to keep doing or finding a new hobby.



Do you also struggle with developping new hobbies?
Can reading be stressful for you too?

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