Heeya ! Eeeeek, Blogoween is more near than ever; and I am so pumped to be participating in this. Shoutout to all the nice hosts who’s giving us some prompt ideas because guys.. I don’t think I could come up with much, ahaha. As you’ve seen in my Oct. tbr, ….
Month: September 2018
Heey guys !! October is so close I can smell it, and with it – so is blogoween !! aaah !! are you in yet? 😏 because you should. With it being so soon now, I was thinking I shall give you my “To be read” for this event and thus, the month ….
**Disclamer: I did received this book via NetGalley. This had in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it.** **Avertissement: J’ai reçu ce livre via NetGalley. Ceci n’a sous aucune forme affecté mon opinion de celui-ci** Heey, Yes, here’s my review of this book – finally ! So ….
Heya ! Again a few days late, that’s just how we are gonna roll here ahah ~ So i’ve been so pumped for this one !! I had been thinking of what I was gonna say about him and had just been so eager to do this one in general ; ….
Heey my people ! It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve really wrote alot of bookish/bloggish discussions, doesn’t it? Well today I have a question for you all ! What do you think of editing reviews ? (content-wise or appearance)
**Disclaimer: I have received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This has in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it** “Angels can’t swim” is a book written trying to end the stigma against mental health, especially eating disorders, and sexuality in the ….
Hello all ! Like a few of us have, I’ve been accepting/requesting way too many books in thoses past months and now struggle to finish them all. Which, i’d like to finish all thoses on “deadlines” before going to my real to be read shelf and go back to my printed books ….
Our amazing Jamsu tagged me for this one ! The concept is to do a collage of images to show what our person/soul could be represented by. As i’m a bit paranoid, i’ll use my own pictures aswell ! Rules: Collect any number of images that you feel represent you ….
Good morning ! So I am super late responding to this tag, as Sophie @ Beware of The reader tagged me in July .. 😂 But I was waiting until I re-organized my shelves as I wasn’t too happy with how it looked and, I actually only got around it last week. So woops.
This. Is. Halloween. !! Okay, okay. Not yet. fine. In case you didn’t knew yet, in the past few years i’ve had a grown love for Autumn and Halloween-y things. Well – Our love Chloe and a bunch of other book bloggers (Anthony, Kaleena, Camilla, Lauren, Jamsu, Anna, Sam & ….