Helloo ! As you should have noticed with the title, it’s yet again the time for our biweekly international meme ! 😄 This prompt shall be quite interresting to read all the other’s as it is what our dream library would be like ! What is it exactly ? We have a ….
Year: 2018
Hello everyone ! Today I have another conversation post for you all ( .. am I annoying with thoses ? I hope not !! ) If you are like me, and I hope i’m not the only one, you have your own little kind of “rituals” every time you enter ….
** Disclaimer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This has in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it ** Helloo, So I have another review for you guys ! I first heard about this book upon reading Chocolate Page’s ….
Heey !! I apologize, this past week or two i’ve been quite sluggish ._. Did replied to comments.. but everything else felt so .. just eh. I did not had the energy for that.. Hopefully things will go better now, as I’m now planning posts for 3 days this month instead ….
Hello my lovely bookworms !! I saw this about two weeks ago, but we are finally jumping on this train of a rather new weekly meme (every thursdays) created by the amazing Erin @ bluestockingbookworm. Feel free to go check out the first post of this meme I saw, ….
Helloo ! I finally am writing this post, after having it on the back of my brain for a month probaby.. 😂 Following « my struggles as a new book blogger » and « my struggle as an international blogger », here’s my conversation post of our struggles as a mood reader. First of all, ….
heey, happy first of April ! ♥ I asked you all if you would like to see more of my BuJo in my post where I told ya i’ve been finally starting one (xx), and many of you told me you were all as excited to see them as I was ….
Helloo ! Here we are again to continue this meme, as we had to skip a week yet again as I was too far ahead 😂 woops ! Let’s hope we shall be in sync with everyone else from now on .. What is it exactly ? We have a discord ….
Heey everyone, happy thursday 🙂 So, I was kinda searching for what my post of today shall be; I did had some ideas but eeeeh.. I didn’t really wanted to write them you know.. 😂 And then I thought « Hey ! it’s been a while since I did a tag ». So upon ….
Helloo my lovely people !! Been a while since we talked #BeatTheBacklist on here eh? If you don’t know what this is, here’s my first post of it, but basically it’s a challenge where we are challenged to read anything published prior 2018. If they are releasing in 2018, BUT have been published ….