Wassup guys! I decided to change from the “End of X, Start of Y” name for thoses.. as I feel that i’m straying away from the “bujo” part of this a bit; as I no longer has any Habit Tracker to show, only the calender & Blogging plan (the weekly ….
Month: June 2020
Hello ! June is already waving us goodbye, which mean we’ve crossed the half-point checkout of 2020! So let’s see how this year has been so far, and how much i’ve accomplished -or didn’t- ⇒ In case you need a reminder; My resolutions of 2020, Things I wanted to change ….
Good Morning! Time for another review ~ yet another book that I discovered via the blogosphere, and although it’s been sitting on my shelves “only” since around the christmas time, It’s one of thoses that I definately should’ve gotten to it earlier! Goodread’s Page 4 / 5 Stars * ….
Good morning! As I’ve discussed within the post “Which do you prefer; reading your current «mood», or something totally different?“, I like to match my books with how i’m currently feeling.. which can bring a bit of “problems” while doing so 😅 Especially if you’ve been feeling on the depressive side ….
Good morning! I’ve seen this tag over at Rebecca’s blog, and as I kinda like snooping and see what other blogger’s are doing on the reviewing side.. I decided to do it too! 😇 1. Do you keep a list of the books you have read? Apart of the ….
Hola! It’s been a while since we’ve done a meme around here.. and while I know i’m not one to usually do TBR’s, I stumbled upon Sophie’s List and wanted to do mine too – hehe! 😊 As always, we being late here as I don’t post on tuesdays.. Top ….
Good morning! We’re having a haul today!! 😄 Our local bookstore has finally back opened up maybe 2weeks ago now? however, I decided to wait up a bit because well- I’m quite wary of going to too much places if I don’t have the need to still — even if we ….
Heya! As you guys should all know by now, organ donation is something very dear to my heart — I legit have a green ribbon tattoed on my wrist with my mother’s transplant date 😅 If it’s says anywhere on the book that it contains organ trasplant or organ ….
** Disclaimer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This has in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it ** Good morning! Today’s my turn on our Harbinger Blog Tour ! 🥰 As always, it has been a pleasure ….
Good morning! Note that we aren’t talking mood like “mood reading” here, actually for once; I’m talking mood as in «state of mind», the current emotions you are feeling inside you. Related; Do you prefer to « re-live your experiences » in books, or stay away from them?. Firstly, I always ….