Year: 2020

Where to find fellow “local” readers?

Hello my people! You might remember this twitter status I did back when we turned into the new year; as i’m unfortunately not one to have many real life reader friends that I can just hang out with and gush about books. I see some people have within our community, ….

New Year Book Tag! ✨

Good morning, peeps! Yep, we are just gonna continue onto my “New Year posts’ strike” here 😂 ahah [only separing this one and the other three with a review in-between; Things I need to remind myself of in 2020, end of 2019 start of 2020 Bujo post & Resolutions/Goals 2019 VS ….

Tell me Three Things ~ Julie Buxbaum ☆ Review

Good morning! Here’s the first review of 2020! (will I ever get tired of saying this? I don’t think so xd) I sadly couldn’t finish this book before 2019’s ended, but atleast for this one it didn’t took me until a DAY before my time was up for the library ….

Things I need to remind myself of in 2020..

Good morning! This is officially my first post of 2020, woohoo!! As the end of the year just passed us by, you may had seen the lots of “what 2019 taught me” kinds of posts.. and it was while reading one that my brain clicked that I have a few ….