Month: November 2022

November Wrap up 🍂

Hey; Here it is folks, the last month of Autumn.. Sadly, winter had been creeping fast on us. No snow on the ground yet, but here in my piece of Canada, it’s been super cold and we did received a few snowfall – but thanksfully nothing heavy. Friendly reminder before ….

5 Gift ideas for your bookish friend / Secret Santa

Good morning! The holiday season is upon us- i’m sure you’ve seen quite the load of gift ideas posts strating to sprawn on the blogosphere. For someone that has a double-gift christmas & my birthday, I never know what to ask for.. so I gotta say I LOVE reading posts ….

Spell the month in Books ~ November

Good morning! I’ve seen a few people do this, and I quite like to see the books everyone come up with to spell the current month — Not only might it give you some books to shove on your overflowing TBR, but also look at those covers!! The books i’m ….

First time kitten owner | What I wasn’t ready for..

Good morning! If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll know already that I adopted Majora at 12weeks in July; He’s now 30weeks (so 7months & a half). Ofcourse we had have a cat before- but we underestimated how old she was when we rescued her.. because Majora had this “baby phase” ….

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Favorite “Aww” moment in books

Hello my lovelies! I’ve been thinking about this prompt for quite a while.. because ofcourse when needing to think about specific things in books- my memory went “POOF!” 🥲 . I know I must have SO much more, I could only find 4 of them.   Top Ten Tuesday was created by The ….

When has horror went too far?

Generally speaking, horror usually involve some kind of gore – as of which isn’t my favorite but I don’t mind it too much. On the exception of suicide attempt, where I get triggered as per my suicide idealisation i’m fighting. It always drive me nuts to have that used way ….

Birthstone book covers; November

Good morning, New month, meaning we got a new Birthstone book cover episode! For November, we are looking at Citrine & Topaz. Happy Birthday to all November babies 💕 My mother has her birthday in this month. Rules – Mention the creator (Leslie @ Books Are The New Black ) and ….

First Line Friday ⇢ 11/10/22

First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by @Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines? If you want to make your own post, feel free to use or edit the ….

Last Gaming Obsession 🎮 Zelda Majora’s Mask N64

Good morning everyone, We’re into the oldies this time! Ironically, although two of my three animals come from this game (Kafei & Majora), I actually only played it once.. 😅 The 3days circle used to freak me out, and as I was borrowing my uncle’s 64 growing up, I didn’t had ….