Mood reading… languages?!
Good morning!
By now we should how know how being a “mood reader” works.. basically, one just barging in and reading depending on what moods you feel like reading. Now, I knew this englobed things like genres, specific things you wanna read (College romance, fluffy contemporary, etc.) BUT I was not really aware that it could also take in languages aswell! 😂
Related; In French, or in English & My struggles as a mood reader
So one of my resolutions for 2020 was to read approx. the same amount of books in French as in English (So my two “functionning” known languages); with the little bonus of taking tracks of if they were physical books, ebooks or even audio — just for shit and giggles.
This has been my list so far, Yay for one goal hit though!! ; On 9 books read, we can see that I’ve only read 1 French for 8 English 😂.. Not going good, to say the least *aherm*
When usually, I’m more quicker on the French side – because well.. mother tongue and all, right now it’s the complete opposite:
- My Libby app is mainly “good” english books (there ARE french ones on it.. but not my taste. It’s more like “old stuff” kinda thing), so with the lockdown i’m kinda restricted to the books solely on my shelf for that language.. but even a bit before then; i’d browse my bookstore in the french section and i’d just « Meh ».
- Looking on my Unread Shelf, all of thoses French ones that remain happens to just NEVER be what i’m in the mood for, at the time XD With no fail, even if I have no idea What I wanna read.. it just isn’t THAT.
- I did picked up another French book; finally settled for one of my unread Guillaume Musso (that I used to LOVE in high school) and I just… idk, i’m stalling xd it’s not bad or anything, i’m just not really *in there* — but it did started picking up the “thriller” and starting to get interesting ! So we’ll see how that goes!
Has this ever happens to my fellow multi-linguals? Or is it just me?
I could never read a book in a language that wasn’t my mother tongue and I’m in constant awe of people that do. Whenever I try reading in other languages it takes my waaaay longer, so I just give up and switch back to English 😅 Great post! 💕
Thank you 💕
Yeah it definately take practice .. When I was in high school in english class I actually HATED it — mandatory read of english books made me fall asleep in them xd so I was kinda wary of trying that out .. but turns out it was just because the book was boring, and I could in fact, read in that!
I can relate towards mood reading in different languages. For me, it also contains buying the certain book in English or Dutch, that really depends too. Sometimes, a certain book reads easier in Dutch than in English.
Yeah definately! Though im not too too picky over which I want in which language?.. just depend what I feel like reading in, i guess.