Am I the only one post-poning playing games that I love?

Good morning!

Today I have a gaming question for you.. as I might’ve mention it a bit in my odd gaming habits“; I can usually only play 1-2 games at the same time (New horizons not included, as I have an habit of visiting the island every day), but I don’t finish them either – I’d go into obsessing about it for a month or two, get halfway in, and start playing something else until I decide I wanna go back to it forever after.

At times, while i’m on an obsession playing something, I get the urge to play something else – lately it had been Breath of the wild again.. and I just don’t? I keep thinking about it, but never actually go and pick it up.


Now, because it’s part of my odd gaming habits, there might be a few reasons why I choose to shove it aside and not pick it up

  • Awful to restart
    Because some games are easier to get back to in a fresh start, most of the time i’d restart before playing it again. However, games like botw have such a long and boring start that I don’t wanna do it anymore 😅 — note that I replayed that particular one about 7 times already.. so Iknow my storyline, the start without the paraglide is giving me a hard time and all that.
  • Feeling the urge to one specific moment – and not the one I left at, but not the start 
    I not only get the urge to play a specific game, but a specific timing in the game aswell.. sometimes it might be a plot point, or a specific dungeon. Or worst, something that’s not the start, but not where I left at either, something in-between. Though I’ve felt the want to go back to Skyward Sword lately, I left at the 3rd battle of the avocado with feets from the void – which is giving me trouble and merps. I don’t wanna do it. 
  • Scared of being bored?
    Open-world type games like botw where you can choose where you wanna go first, sometimes I just.. don’t know what to do or where to go. So i’m left wandering around and not play very long before I turn it off..


Although I spent alot on videogames, and obsess over it to ditch it for a while.. I’m quite good at replaying them. As you can guess just by all the time I mentioned BOTW, I did replayed the heck of that one particularly 😆 I just wake up feeling the urge to play a specific game back, a while ago it had been the newer Story of Seasons.

Lately, one game that I added to my routine between New Horizons & my monthly obsession has been Death Road to Canada again; Being a shorter type of game, I’d try one or two runs at night while watching my youtube videos (the must part of the craving, playing on evenings) — usually dying before I reach Canada.. I’m awful at that game, I’ve only reached 5 times out of 90 xD


Do you do that too?
Do you enjoy replaying game or it’s not something you do?


  1. I haven’t gone back and replayed too many games so far, as I feel I’ve only really got back to gaming the last couple of years. I often come back to New Horizons though (and have the constant urge to just restart my whole island and save file, but then I’m too scared to because I’ve put so many hours into it!), and I’ve replayed Stardew Valley.
    I’ve also really enjoyed replaying some of the games from my childhood that they’ve now rereleased, like Spyro and Crash Bandicoot!

    1. Yes!! Ive started paper mario, should get to play others that I missed as I was younger; toying the idea of replaying either ocarina of time or majora’s mask (again, I played Oot a countless times! MM only once or twice)

      Omg yes 🤣 with New leaf instead of restarting i’d just wipe the whole thing.. but then id panic 🤦🏽‍♀️ though I can do ANYTHING- my brain chosed to panic ahaha.. Stardew ive been wanting to go back to, but ive heard its gonna have an update again so !!!! Waiting for it

  2. I don’t play many games at all. I have a couple on my phone that are my go-to! I used to love playing rollercoaster tycoon and I am going to be purchasing it again soon – haven’t played it in years (however I see my productivity going down hill if I do buy it ha ha!). Thank you for sharing your experience.

    1. Ahah ofcourse! In the peak of my obsessing, I could barely peel away from the game to write my posts 🤣

  3. Most of the games I play are sort of story and/or puzzle based, so I only replay if there are endings I haven’t seen. Except The Sims, in which I get to create my own stories lol. I like hearing about how other people play games though! It’s interesting.

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