Author: Kristina

Heavenward ~ Olga Gibbs ☆ Review Request

** Disclaimer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This has in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it **   Heey, Look who finished yet another book ! This time, it is the first book in a serie which ….

Blogger recognition award ✨

Ahh !! I was so not expecting to get this one, mainly because I haven’t saw it anywhere before getting tagged .. So thank you SO very much to María @ Bookgraphy65 to have tagged me 💜please click on her name / blog name to go peak at her story aswell ….

My bookish apps ! 📱

Heey !! So, once upon a time, I was really into thoses “What’s in my iPhone” videos kind of stuff.. and I actually got this idea when I was looking at my phone’s apps after loading another book blogging related app. So I thought hey ! Why not make a post about ….

Book blogger insider tag !!

Heey ! Yep, as always I forgot I was tagged .. 😝 woops.. As you should know, I absolutely LOVE them !! Big thanks to Ashley @ ashleyinwonderland for having tagged me; and sorry again for the delay, hah .. Have you checked hers yet ? .. alright, now let’s jump in ….

End of April, Start of May

Well, time just flew by our head .. didn’t it ? May is right around the corner, so it’s time for me to show you what I made for the next month and what has been happening this past month! Along with giving some love to the posts I really loved ….

Blogging fears ..

Hello my people ! How are you on this pretty sunday ? it’s been a while since i’ve made a conversation post, eh ? Well ~ last friday the 13th, our precious Evelina’s @ avalinahsbooks has made a discussion post about her fears as a book blogger. I may not ….

The make-up essentials book tag

Heey !! Okay, so I haven’t actually got tagged for this one, but I saw it over at Jenn’s @ boundtowriting and thought this looked fun ! Also it was created by Hannah @ hannahbanana98 – be sure to go check both of thoses ladies’ answers aswell 🙂 Like many in our ….

My reader’s confessions ..

Heelloo my lovely peeps !! 😘 I think I saw a few of my friends do something similar (?) but basically, i’m just gonna list for you all my confessions about the “Do’s or don’ts” about our bookcommunity that applies to me and how I am reading my books. Make sense ? ….

A Special Sunday ! 💚

Hello my loves, I am very pleased to write you this post in particular! Iknow what you may think; « But, Kristina !! You just posted an off-topic sunday last week to talk to us .. what is that for ? » Why yes, indeed, I did. But today, as you ….