Before the coffee gets cold ~ Toshikazu Kawaguchi β˜† Book Review

Before the coffee gets cold ~ Toshikazu Kawaguchi β˜† Book Review

Good morning!

Third book off my Spring TBR completed πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ We are going good so far- especially how this book has been SO long on it, one of those that I kept seeing everywhere and being like “ahh yess I should read it.. eventually..”


4 ⭐️ / 5 stars

Keep or unhaul? Keep!


This is the second translated Japanese novel that I’ve read, after what you’re looking for is in the library, and I quite like those! They are definately worth the hype. I quite love how the POV turns from the “backdrop characters” seemingly all having a relation to each other.


As this story include time traveling, I was quite wary about this.. as we know I don’t do time traveling much – but it was quite well executed! My poor brain didn’t got too lost, as it was clearly indicated when we were going and coming back from the past; which helped greatly.

There was just the second story “Husband and Wife” where we have an open ending and i’m not too sure what that meant.. that got revealed to me later in the book. The ending got me BAWLING!

The chapters were bigger than I usually like, but in the end it wasn’t quite as big of an issue as there is little coffee cup separators that would allow me to cut my reading to, for the lack of chapter cuts.


Not guaranteed i’d read the others, as i’m not a serie person- maybe off libby or if I find pretty editions like this one! We’ll see!

The one question that didn’t got answered by the end though, is who the spirit of the girl in the dress from the chair was??!