Books i’d wanna read as Audio Books

I sadly haven’t tried audio books yet; Either because I have no idea where to start, or because I fear of picking the wrong reader and mess up my whole first impression..

However, I have thoses books where I’d love to try with that format – either because I think i’d appreciate it more or for another reason.

What books are they ?


~ The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern

I don’t wanna give up on this book yet.. Many people have it among their favorites and alas.. reading it, even in french, was WAY too confusing for me to the point where in the middle of the book I had absolutely NO. IDEA. what I was reading anymore xD So I ended up dropping it, and I think maybe if i’m hearing it happening instead… maybe i’d get the story better?


~ Radio Silence, Alice Oseman

You know I absolutely LOVE this book ! It remains one of my favorite still – and Iknow i’ve heard the texting part of that book may comme off as wierd while in audio.. but you know what ? THE PODCAST PART!! How cool would it be to actually hear the podcast itself, To have Radio’s deep voice just saying his lines ?


~ All our Bright Places, Jenniver Niven

Again, you know my deep love for this novel and for finch particularly .. But really, although this was the first to come to my mind; anything with dual point of view would work! It’d be really nice to hear two different voices telling our story.



And that’s all the ones I can think of as of now !


Which book would you think would be best as audio? Why?


  1. I’ve been listening through The Lunar Chronicles recently, and the action translates really well to audio! Also, Give the Dark My Love has a really great audiobook counterpart.

  2. I can imagine The Night Circus as really peaceful and enchanting as an audiobook! I also struggled with it in paper format but I can see why it would appeal more as an audiobook 🙂

  3. I agree with Spira! I’m listening to the Illuminae files right now & I’m hooked. Like, not getting things done because I just wanna sit and listen kind of hooked! I also like to listen to audiobooks when I get stuck. I was trying to read The Great Alone for a long time and I considered abandoning it but I got the audiobook & it really kick started me to finish.

  4. I am still getting into the audiobook habit, but I have found the 3-5 minute preview on Audible SO USEFUL for me after hating the narrator for To Kill a Kingdom. My first real audiobook read was THE ILLUMINAE FILES and girl, it’s full cast with sound effects and amazing (especially with the unique format for the books). Give one a try!

    1. Oh wow, sounds marvelous !
      aaaah that’s right, by the few minutes you can tell if the voice will get on your nerves or not, eh ?

      1. I totally can tell in like .365 seconds if a single narrator will ruin it for me, and it’s been a lifesaver. If you do audible though you can exchange and audiobook for any reason, so no harm in trying

  5. I personally am not a huge fan of audiobooks just because I have trouble following the story if I’m only listening, but I’ve heard great things about ensemble casts – same principle as you mention with dual POV, probably – particularly for The Night Circus and Illuminae! (all hearsay though; as I said, I don’t really listen to audiobooks so I don’t have a personal opinion on them 😅)

  6. Oh, you should really start listening to audiobooks! THey’re great.
    Illuminae Files is amazing! And so is the Crazy Rich Asians Trilogy.

  7. I struggle with Audio books as well. I WANT to love them – especially since I spend large amounts of times on public transportation, or grocery shopping, or working in the yard – where I could actually get through a book while I do chores. But my mind tends to wander! 🙂

    The night circus would be a good one to listen to. It is a tough book, and I have always said I wanted to read it again, so maybe listening to it would help.

  8. I think maybe i’d enjoy Harry Potter, House Of Night and Sookie Stackhouse books as audiobooks. i’m just not sure i’m ever finishing them otherwise.

  9. I recommend the Harry Potter series with Jim Dale, The Peculiar Children series, and the Arc of Scythes all on audibook. I personally love audible! If you go with audible and hate a book or narrator, you can literally ask for a refund at any time during your listening experience to then get a new one. They also have a preview option to listen to the first few minutes of the narrator! I’ve been using it for years (: You can outright buy the books or do their monthly subscribe. If you don’t want audible, there is scribd as well. Though I had a few issues with them in the past, they might have changed? Worth looking into. But I recommend audible all the way

  10. The Night Circus was a confusing novel for me as well — Until you realize that the story isn’t told in a single line. The story jumps all over the place, kinda like watching a circus. The audio book is told in the same way. Fortunately though, I *love* the audiobook. In fact, I love it so much I haven’t been able to get through it once 😂

    Great post! I haven’t tried any other audio books aside from If I Stay.. I’ll have to try to listen to If I Stay again.

    1. Yeah I figured that part.. but at some point I was completely lost onto what in hell was happening xD or why it was relevent ..

      Thank you xx

    1. I should, eh !
      that’s not too too bad if you use it, but if now that’s kinda pricey xD so i’m glad they have the “first month free” thing like netflix does

        1. that’s interesting …
          I’ve never really checked the prices of thoses before, But I would’ve thought they’d be around the same range as ebooks.. Though it make sense, as Im guessing they’d need to give a bit to the voice reader, right ?

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