Bujo post & news; November & December spreads

Here we are for our monthly check-out of the month.. Can’t believe we’re already onto the last month of 2021, which is also my birthday month, where has the time gone 😬
November’s feels;
The first two weeks remained to be obnoxiously busy at work.. the biggest one being remembrance day on the 11th — However, it thanksfully slowed down and became much more easier after the short circuit measure for covid finally let go after 2months! It was insane how they kept pushing and pushing while clearly it wasn’t working and people didn’t followed them 😅 We are still getting quite high cases per days though, so we might get some sanction back sometime in December again.. 🥲
But otherwise this month has been way better than October in term of anxiety; much more relaxed and less relapses.
What I read;
It was a good reading month, I’ve finished 3 books this time! All of them from my shelves; The turn of the Key, I killed Zoe Spanos & Ghosts. All three of them counting for #BeattheBacklist; we are now to 21 out of the 28 books i’ve read 😌
As predicted, I didn’t read the last book that was on my autumn TBR this month.. however, I did read one book from the winter TBR!
What I watched;
For some reason, I completely put Netflix on the side this month 😅 I believe I only watched an episode or two of the Demon Slayer Anime, and nothing else.
November’s events;
♥︎ I’ve been on a roll again with good posting & not much struggles for ideas; so nothing has been skipped again 👏🏼, though I haven’t done any Sunday’s Chat this month. We reorganised my shelves & unhauled some books, and I shared some struggles that I had with Bullet Journaling & Anxiety, aswell as when a post don’t do well for Let’s talk bookish.
♥︎ My bestfriend happened to come in-town for her boyfriend’s teeth surgery, so I was able to go get breakfast with her 🥰 (As per short circuit rule that we need to be in a “vaccination check” setting to meet someone- such as restaurants). The surgery only took an hour, so we haven’t seen each other long, but it was good to see & talk with her nonetheless.. I don’t remember the last time I had seen her.

♥︎ After saying for years that I wouldn’t join on the bookstagram wagon.. I finally did this month 😅 As I wasn’t using my account anyway, and I had gotten quite confident with my book pictures lately, I opted for posting book pictures on it. Though I will post dachshund pictures on it aswell, so not solely bookish (as always) — My handle is @doxielover_27, same as my twitter.
♥︎ Gaming wise, i’ve been pretty much everywhere this month ahah; along with New horizons, I had been obsessed with the Age of Calamity DLC for the first part of the month.. Then I realized To the rescue had been released and I then obsessed played it for the next while, and finally I am currently playing Pokemon Brilliant Diamond 😝
December spreads
I had gotten new markers!! It’s one of thoses that have a double ends, a big and a small, so I wanted to use them for my spreads, which you can see I quite struggled with my lines on the big side (but it felt off with the small one soo.. 🤷🏽♀️) — I used the same colors as my Winter TBR page, so a bright blue & a darker blue.
How was your November?
Are you thrilled for December? Anything good coming your way?