Category: Book Memes

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Favorite “Aww” moment in books

Hello my lovelies! I’ve been thinking about this prompt for quite a while.. because ofcourse when needing to think about specific things in books- my memory went “POOF!” 🥲 . I know I must have SO much more, I could only find 4 of them.   Top Ten Tuesday was created by The ….

Birthstone book covers; November

Good morning, New month, meaning we got a new Birthstone book cover episode! For November, we are looking at Citrine & Topaz. Happy Birthday to all November babies 💕 My mother has her birthday in this month. Rules – Mention the creator (Leslie @ Books Are The New Black ) and ….

First Line Friday ⇢ 11/10/22

First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by @Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines? If you want to make your own post, feel free to use or edit the ….

Birthstone Book Covers; October

Good morning! I found this meme created by my friend not too long ago, and I found it pretty cool so I had been wanting to participate aswell! 😄 October have two stones, Opal & Tourmaline; as for most participants, Opal gave me quite the struggle.. as it’s not just ….

Let’s talk bookish ➙ Do book titles matter?

Good morning, Everyone! Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new ….

Let’s talk bookish ➙ Can you write whatever you want?

Good morning, Everyone! Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new ….

First line Friday ⇢ 10/06/22

First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by @Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines? If you want to make your own post, feel free to use or edit the ….

Let’s talk bookish ➙ Character or Plot focused books?

Good morning, Everyone! Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new ….

Let’s talk bookish ➙ Reviewing books?

Good morning, Everyone! Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new ….