Good morning, We are covering the last of my review requests today; funnily enough, I’ve received the two of them within short distance to each other. After having enjoyed her first novel, An excuse for murder, She reached out to me to read her newer mystery aswell 🥰 Publishing on ….
Category: Book Reviews
Good morning everyone, I have a special review request for y’all today; this has actually been the second time they’ve reached me to read this one, but the first time I opted to not answer because I was going in a hectic moment with my old job 😅 I was happy ….
Good morning! Another book off my Spring TBR, though okay fine the first one had been a free audiobook space 😅.. this time a quite hyped one that I’ve seen mainly positive, but also a few negative ones. Goodreads page 5 / 5 stars!! At first, I was ….
Good morning, This year, I had given myself a goal of reading more than two audiobooks- and here I am, in March, with my first one of the year! Which also count as my “free audiobook space” on my Spring TBR. Goodread page 4 / 5 stars ….
Good morning! I have some more mini reviews for you guys; one french & one english book. I actually do like this format for including more french book reviews on the blog; this way it’ll be always paired with atleast one english book, aswell as my thoughts on said french ….
Happy Valentines day, my loves!! 🥰 I had meant for this last week to be a week mostly focused on love; so we had Book recs of great friendships, little things I love in eroticas, and lastly, 9 of my fave book quotes on love. This post being the final day, we’re doing a review ….
Good morning! As per one of my resolution of the year, I’m trying to read more genres I don’t usually pick up aswell as more french; this one checking both cases as it’s a graphic novel! And just look at this cover 😍 both the front and back are absolutely GORGEOUS. ….
Good morning, my people! I’ve done it !! I finished reading my 5th novel of the month 😄 This one was also on my Winter TBR, I have now only one more book to read in order to complete it. Goodreads page 5 / 5 stars I suspect Emma ….
Good morning! For no reason at all, I felt like doing a mini-review post with a couple of books; some of them would be french books, as of which i’m thinking in writing my thoughts in French first and have it translated into english under it. A season for ….
Good morning! As you’ve seen in my Reading Challenge; this year i’ve been wanting to broad up into the genres that I don’t usually pick up.. and that includes Poetry! I’ve been kindly invited to read this poetry collection by the author, a work devided in three parts. Between ….