Category: Bookish

Different holiday themed books to read this season

Good morning! Holidays are near; we see many holiday reads out there- most of which are romance. But what if we don’t wanna read romances? Here’s some different holiday reads we can enjoy, in theme with the time of the month!   Krampus lore; Wether you choose a nonfiction about ….

Autumn ’23 TBR Update!

Good morning, We are now in December, which means autumn is officially over 🥲  It’s been more colder lately and yes I hate it XD Here’s the original post if you wanna remember what my picks were.   I hit a slump for a month/half a month so I very ….

My favorites Geekerella quotes ~

Hey, good morning! I’ve been rereading one of my most favorites, Geekerella, and I’ve wanted to share some of my favorite quotes from it ❤️ I had originally listened to it on audio.. so not only I had NO IDEA how to spell things, but I also couldn’t keep any book ….

Are you a fan of retellings?

Heey! Retellings feels like they could also be perfect for the halloween season, as we dress ourself up to mimic something/someone else.. here are stories doing the same about other stories, sometimes with a twist! To be honest with you, I haven’t read that many as of now, as I ….

My 2024 reading goals

Good morning! Yes, I’m quite early this year with my reading challenges for the new year.. but truth be told it’s been like 2months already that I had the picture saved and waiting to be posted 😂 There’s 3 months left to 2022, so Ithink it’s safe to do it now, ….

To review or not to review by request?

Heey! Recently I wrote about what I like to see in my review requests, now let’s chat about if we “should” do it or not   We know, one thing that mainly attracts us as new blogger is the promise of free books, along with shiny arcs. Most of us ….

Non-fictions perfect for the Spooky Season!

Heyoo! It’s quite unlike myself to talk so much about Non-Fiction.. but hey, that’s just what this year has been like, for some reason i’ve been graviting more toward this category of book rather than fiction. In my opinion, it just goes with any mood; even those I don’t even ….