Category: Bullet Journal

Keeping your old journals?

Good morning! As you know, I finished my very first Bullet Journal.. and then a question came into my mind, which will be the conversation today!   What do you do when you finish Bujos/journals ? Do you keep them, do you throw them?   I usually keep them, as ….

End of April and end of the 1st Bujo!

Good morning, Here we are again.. man this month was bad on my side for the posts inspiration juice going, also maybe for reading too- not quite a slump, but i’ve just been more “erh” reading than usual. 🤔 Also, I may or may not be panicking as im SO ….

The start of my 2nd Bullet Journal!

Heey ! So we are gonna do things a little different this month.. As you can see, i’m quite early to post my pages this month – but that’s because April was my last month into my blue Bullet journal, which lasted from February 2018 to April 2019.. which was ….

End of March, Early April! 🌷

Another month has passed us by already. But that means… SPRING! (hopefully) so warmer weather shall be coming and also Bookending Spring event is starting aswell !! *Screams* 😍 > If you have no idea what i’m talking about, please visit Sam’s announcement post ASAP to read that and hopefully ….

End of February, Start of March! 🌧

Good morning! aand we are done with the smallest month of the year! Going forward to the third month of 2019.. wow, crazy how time passes eh? While in the same time … “only” the third month of the year 🤔 So let’s see what got accomplished in February, Shall we?

End of January, Start of February !

We are already at the end of the first month of 2019 ! I gotta say .. compared to December, January was kinda “merh” on my side 🙊  so i’m kinda happy this month is coming to an end (though a rather good one for reading, nonetheless!) and February is ….

End of December, Start of 2019 💫

We’re there, folks !! 2019 is RIGHT THERE, we can almost touch it ! Happy “early” New year everyone, I wish you all the best; love, happiness and everything you may want. 💜  Let’s this year be a wonderful year. Now’s the time to check what I have done this ….

End of November, Early December 🎁

December, the start of my birthday month.. for some reasons, I did my Bullet Journal super early this month.. Which I did write with one of my new gel pens I got from the dollar store some time last month. Not as “runny” as my fancier ones I got from our ….

How I use my BuJo & Pros / Cons

Good morning, If you are like me, you might be wary of actually starting a Bullet Journal even though you’d want to; just because you aren’t sure of what you could do with it.. Well! As I do some little things a bit differently (specially in my weekly spreads), I ….

End of October, Start of November

The start of a new month, yet again ! This year as gone so fast we only have 2months left to 2018.. wow. “Soon” i’ll be celebrating my 24th birthday.. 😥 As last month we were celebrating #Blogoween here on the blog, that’s why my Bujo post has been postponed to ….