Category: Lifestyle

Small actions that help our planet

Hello, Idk about you, but with all the bombs and celebrities public jetting everywhere and all the stuff happening…. sometimes i’m getting a lot of eco-anxieties. Because we’re just a tiny amount in the sea of pollution, it can get quite depressing- you feel me ? Maybe sometimes it can ….

Make a small gesture for this holiday season ❤️

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy- but unfortunately that’s not the case for everyone.. for a variety of reasons. Ofcourse small kind gestures should be given year rounds, but if you can, I feel like that’s particularly appreciated near the holidays. You never know how much ….

My first experience with Acrilic nails

Helloo! Having your nails professionally done can be costy, depending on what you want, but lately I had been contemplating of how pretty my friend’s nails were!! As baristas, our boss actually only accept acrilic or gel nails, as there’s literally NO way it can get damaged and loss in ….

Dancebit; Dancing app review

Good morning! As we might know, i’ve tried a few things such as beachbody before, but exercicing is really something that i’m struggling with.. As soon as I stop- for whatever reason like sickness or just too much work, it’s guaranteed i’m not starting back 😅 I’ve been lucky to ….

The Chill pill, does it works?

Helloo! As you might know, I suffer from insomina, so i’m always looking for things that will help me fall asleep easier! Last time I wrote about how Pokemon Sleep helped me for a while… alas it didn’t last 😅   What’s the “Chill Pill” ? It is a small device that ….

#Young Adults Problems

Heyoo! I’m almost done my second decade already, but I swear my brain feels stuck at 23 MAXIMUM- it absolutely didn’t follow my body, which in some times I actually forget how old I’m getting until I actually think about it 😆 As i’m growing older, here’s some of the ….

Dating in your late 20s

As FB just reminded me a couple days ago, it has already been 4years since my last relationship- and you know, with bestfriend having her baby and not staying up as late (totally understandeable!), I do get that lonely feeling often and would just like to talk with people. So ….

5 things I need to learn before my 30s

Helloo! I still get lightheaded when I think that i’m already at that stage where only 2years separate me from my 30s 😅 I definately feel like my brain stopped aging at 23 MAX, so i’m having quite the trouble with realising i’m here already 😬   There’s a few ….

Having a good summer while being prone to overheating?

Good morning! As you may or may not know, I take anti-depressants to help with my anxiety & depression; Which, In case you didn’t know, makes it easier for you to overheat and suffer from heat fatigues or even heat strokes.   Just at work, I’ve suffered many heat fatigues ….