February ’24 Wrap up ♥️

February ’24 Wrap up ♥️

Good morning!

The shortest month of the year just passed us by.. which was an un-usually good reading month! 💪🏽 I’m ahead by TWO BOOKS on my Storygraph challenge, yeeha!


February feels;

Honestly, it was still a blur. Per usual it felt like I spent most of my time at work, taking two extra shifts, and being mother’s caretaker; as she busted her kneecap (on a second fall) and needed to be still for 6weeks. Being a person that loves to get out the house whenever she can to go take pictures… she’s hating every second of it 😅


What i’ve read;

I finished a whooping 5. books. this month- Ithink that’s a new score for me!! I picked up 3 French books; Youtumeur #1, La bibliothèque des rêves secret (What you are looking for is in the library) & La malédiction du Cécil HotelI also picked 2 english; Haunted Healthcare & Horrorstör



February’s highlights;

♥︎ Although the blogging juice weren’t quite all there this month, I managed to only miss one post this month! Alongside the book reviewsRandomizing my TBR, I’ve posted 5 romance I wanna get to this year, type of covers that doesn’t attract me & Synopsis that doesn’t give the book justice.

♥︎ On the gaming front, I had been yet again concentrated on TOTK & Sims 4– although I finished the gameplay of Spiritea; not 100% it, but the storyline. I like that it shows you how farther along you’ve got.



March spreads

Showed in this post instead ✨



How was your february?

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