Let’s talk bookish ➙ Can you write whatever you want?

Good morning, Everyone!

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!

 October 14: Can you write whatever you want? (Anna)

Prompts: Can bloggers just write whatever they want? Or are there boundaries they should respect even on their own platform? If a blogger is called out for something they post, are they obligated to respond?


Can we just write whatever we want? or are there boundaries on our own platform?

From my personal experience; Absolutely!! You might not remember first 2ish years of this blog, but I used to be solely reading & bookish. The problem with that is you end up so overwhelm, not knowing what to post because you might not had been reading much lately.. It drove me anxious scrambling for posts AND I always had a hard time skipping posts – I do feel the need to get my three posts scheduled a week, no exception, so you can see how it wasn’t a fun time anymore..

I’d say that i’m now maybe 80-85% book content, but I expended the other 15-20% for other things that I might wanna post about: gaming, blogging, bullet journaling, mental health.. and yes, some of my ramblings that might pop up in my head and just swirl around refusing me to relax & sleep (the last one had been The invisible disabilities just last week).

The only boundaries are the ones you place for yourself; and although some tips other bloggers would usually give new bloggers is “stick to a niche”, I am absolutely against that. What worked best for me and my mental being is being open to post and ramble about ANYTHING my heart desire — if you read more books than me and can produce a LOT of content being only bookish? hey, that’s cool. But I wouldn’t recommend 😅


If a blogger is called out for something they post, do they have an obligation to respond?

This one is tricky.. If it’s something towards posting different than their “niche” supposely is, no. We don’t owe anyone, and specially not the readers, any explanation or apologize. This is our space, if you don’t like what we post, feel free to walk away.

However; if it’s towards posting something problematic or with wrongful information… than yes, I do believe we need to address & respond to it. Ofcourse it need to be told in a respectful manner, but as we can’t know everything, it’s perfectly normal to make errors or maybe not think of the repercussion it could have. If new informations arise to make us understand and change our minds, it’s okay to fix it.


What do you think ? 


  1. I loved reading your thoughts! I absolutely agree with being able to express ourselves freely on our blogs. I used to stick to a specific niche but it felt very constricting. Being able to write about whatever comes to mind is important, because ultimately this is a space we create for ourselves!

    1. Yes indeed! And furthemore, life is already too much anxiety-inducing by itself, we don’t need to create yet another stressor in our life 😅 amarite?

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