Let’s talk bookish ➙ What do you do if a book triggers you?

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Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books and Dani @ Literary Lion. Where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts.


Everyone has different reactions to triggers; what is yours? Do you have measures in place to help you avoid books that could potentially trigger you? If you get triggered without previously knowing there would be a trigger, do you still care to finish the book? Does it affect your eventual rating/review? Have you ever read a book knowing that something within it would trigger you?


As a general rule, I’m quite lucky to say I don’t really have anything too triggering when i’m reading. However, it’s another thing completely while i’m watching something; especially a TV show.

I don’t care about gore nor anything graphic.. but suicide scenes, I just can’t. Which is sad that so much TV shows use it as a “season finale cliff hangers” nowadays 🤦🏽‍♀️ Just for the sake of a grand plot-twist & eagerness for next season. The worst one of the bunch for me is cutting; I was watching a women prison’s show in french when it literally attacked me out of nowhere and the last episode had one of the character do it *on screen* — I was in a much worst place than I am currently, still in the peaks of my depression, and I was nearly shaking. It trouble me so much that I could almost feel it, I had the need to do so too and it took me quite a time to shrug it off.. but thanksfully nothing bad happened after that!


Staying in the same branch, I do love reading mental-health books where the MC is struggling, with suicide ideation and all.. but it doesn’t trigger me- it goes more into the way of “understanding comfort” from it. Like- it resonate to your core so much that you feel heard. Cherry on the top, I do crave thoses darker books when i’m in a dark headspace myself.

Being medicated for so long now & have an upped dose, I’m generally in a much better headspace on the longterm – I might get a down for a day or two, but it doesn’t linger as it did before. With that being said, it does happen that while i’m not triggered, I’m reading a book and I go like «Ouch. That is heavy/dark». I do recognize them, and perhaps it would be such a different story if I wouldn’t be so stable; like my old peak-of-depression self. The books that comes in mind are My heart and other black holes by Jasmine Warga aswell as the start of The midnight library from Matt Haig.



How do you cope with reading triggers?


  1. I don’t think I’ve ever been triggered while reading, but I did get triggered really badly while watching The Babadook and it’s made me want to never pick up that movie ever again. I made it through to the end but not without wanting to turn it off multiple times.

    1. Oh wow.. I cant say ive watched this one. However it’s good that nothing within a book did triggered you!

  2. I don’t think I’ve ever had a reading trigger, but I tend to avoid books and TV shows with a lot of gore. I’ve heard a few people mention that “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig is triggering and am surprised that it doesn’t include any trigger warnings.

    1. It’s.. i didn’t expected it to be this rough for the first half of the book for sure- imean yeah ok you need to be between life & death to get to the midnight library but 😬 definately need a good mindset..

      That’s fair- too much gore isn’t something im a fan of either, though I wouldnt say it triggering

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