Let’s talk bookish ➙ When a post don’t do very well..

Hello, here we are again!

Another topic that seemed to be made for me, as with covid and all that, views did go down by about half monthly.. I’m not too sure if i’ve spoken about this before on here, but if not here we go!


Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books and Dani @ Literary Lion. Where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts.


Prompts: Imagine you’ve spent several hours, even days, perfecting a post that you’re so excited to publish. Finally, you hit publish and eagerly await the response. But the response is not as much as you’d expected, or worse, it’s nonexistent. Has that happened to you before? How do you handle poor post results? Do you think there’s usually a cause for poor post results?


Generally speaking, every post get shared in two discord groups, aswell as Twitter & tumblr. If it’s a review, it also happens to be shortened up & linked on goodread too. Posts that are either mental health talk or that I prefered writing also get linked up to my monthly bujo & news.

As we bloggers tend to interact more between ourselves, I feel that most of the time this happens it’s when I didn’t bloghopped as much as usually — either I felt too tired from work, or nothing particularly catched my eye. And I make it a point of not just comment for the sake of comment? like- pointless comments are not usually my thing.


Ironically, posts that I spent LOTS of time making, like my recs posts [Second chance at love, gaming involved, content creator MCsdidn’t received any feedback at all.. while some posts that I had been anxiously wondering if they were “good enough” gets a truckload of them 🙃

In the same vein, thoses that I LOVE writing the most are mainly the oversharing personal one, aswell as my mental health ones, which don’t get much traction either. Thoses I get more sad about, as in the end it’s like i’m speaking into the void — but unlike what I choose to post on tumblr instead, I do want the void to speak back to me 😅

I however don’t wanna delete them, as I view the whole “following posting schedule” more and kinda don’t wanna make it seems like I skipped posts? I do know also that sometimes people find old posts at random, or they spoke more to them when returning your comments, and you can get random tractions even if it’s older posts and not the recently published ones. Hell I do that alot.. commenting on older ones when recent ones are all review related; hah..



I really try to give less importance to views and notes and all.. as this is mainly my blog and not only should I post what makes me happy and whatever I wanna talk & share about, I also shouldn’t care much about what others think about it.. but it’s quite hard for me.

The worst is whenever i’m more on the depressed side, I really consider if this blogging thing is really all worth it.. with the money I spend on my blog and all that although it isn’t much either, and I do have the means to do it! — really feeling like my voice doesn’t matter and like I could just dissapear from the blogosphere completely.. “normal depressive intrusive thoughts”.


Most cases otherwise, when i’m not in that state of mind, I just shrug it aside. While I do have more difficult times where i’m stressing over what to post on that day because posting schedule matters to my anxiety and I get too tired from work & covid exhaustion and anxious that I don’t have much ideas to begin with.. In the end, I still love blogging. I love the action of letting my mind write itself and “run free” on my keyboard, being able to get similar people to speak with whenever possible.

I don’t think I could override this habit of bloghoping & writing anytime soon, despite everything, because it does get a sense of doing something with my days and it’s soothing to my anxiety. Somehow, it always feels like I have too much time on my hands.. despite putting lot of my hours working and the rest gaming a shamingly lot of hours too; so blogging take the extra excess of time where idk what to do with myself where I can either write (if I have a prompt or idea to exploit) or even just bloghop and comment on others’ — that I even do while i’m gaming 🤣 I would have Sims 4 playing on my mac, and simultaneously bloghop on my phone or ipad.

it seems like I always need to be multitasking, specially while listening to something (Tv/ netflix/ youtube) and I don’t like whenever I can’t do that — one of the reason why I keep reading to nighttime only, as all things tend to distract me and don’t retain the information of what the heck i’m reading.



How do you handle a post not getting as much traction as wanted?


  1. I don’t even look at stats anymore. Of course, I don’t want to blog to no one lol but I have really stepped back from it and it’s truly just a hobby now so I don’t worry about it.

    I feel like I have a core group (like you mentioned – it’s mostly bloggers reading blogs now) and I’m happy with it. I’m more surprised when every few months posts start to do well and I have new followers. lol

    Karen @For What It’s Worth

    1. Right? Ahaha I recently started bookstagram after years of saying no, as i’m improoving in my book pictures, so it might help with that 😅

      I aspire to be the same way, kudos to you! Not comparing yourself to anything else truly is hard, and anxiety does make it harder..

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