My reaction when I catch a reader in the wild

Good morning everyone!

So this topic came to me while I was at work, though I thought it was originally a “Off Tangant Thoughts” topic [learn more about the meme] — I double checked and it’s actually not.. so I must’ve seen one’s take on it on a freebie day. I couldn’t remember on which blog though, i’m sorry! 😅


I sadly come from an era where being a reader wasn’t much “understood” by my peers when I was in high school (like many others, I feel). They just couldn’t fanthom why I would willingly pick a book for enjoyment??! Even worst in french – as although we were at a French School, teenagers would mostly speak either chiac (mix of both) or english only.

All of this to say that i’m not quite used to see someone roughly my age being a reader 😂So my classic reaction is just being excited and wanting to be friend!! ahah and although my Café where I work do have a little free library, it doesn’t happen as often as you’d think..


There’s two instance that I remember of, that just made my heart go « !!! » ;

1- Our building that hold our Café is twinned with a Gas station, both owned by the same person. The kitchen workers on the other side come use the sink in our kitchen (that’s actually also where we would take our breaks). Sometimes you can actually catch me reading on my breaks — Which I don’t do as often now.. But anyway; so this one come in and point out how i’m still reading. After questioning what it’s about and stuff, she start talking about a recent book she read that was somewhat similar.

My brain has the “default” set that a person is probly not a reader until stated otherwise. So that left me shook! If I remember correctly, she also said that I was lucky to be able to read anywhere like that (our kitchen can be busy and noisy at times xd).

2- I’m not sure what got us to that point, but myself and two other girls were talking and one said that she used to be a big fan of fantasy (specially angels and stuff) — but stopped because well, she didn’t had any much time anymore. I got super hyped and tried to sell her to read « Heavenward », but I didn’t quite succeeded very well xd


For some reason, I never falled on anyone as into it as us book bloggers thus far.. It’s mainly just poeple going “yeah, I used to read! Now I kinda stopped”. Which still gets me excited regardless! especially if they’re younger than me – but it’d be nice to stumble on anyone else as much as a “crazy reader” as I am 😅 possibly maybe even a fellow blogger??!


Now’s your turn! ;

  • Have you met some fellow readers in the wild before?
  • What’s your reaction? Is it just normal to you, or do you get as excited as I do?
  • Are you lucky enough to have a friend/best friend who also enjoy reading?


    1. basically me at work today ahaha I saw a guy with a switch in his pocket and he stayed at the Café and played for a while. I was like “mmmmh- whatcha playing.. 👀 “

  1. I had someone once ask me how I was able to read in the middle of happy hour when it was packed bc the baseball playoffs were going on. I just tuned it all out and shrugged lol. So yeah I never got to meet someone who got it!

    1. Ooof- I don’t have enough concentration power to do that anymore 🙈 too much distraction for my brain to focus on book ahaha

  2. I had a friend who was as big a reader as I was probably for as long (like you said a lot of people just lose track of reading with all the other stuff to do) unfortunately we had nothing, nothing like the same taste in books!

    1. Oh .. well darn.
      I had a friend who liked reading too once. But we had ONE french quebec serie in common and she was reading in english otherwise when I couldn’t back then 😂

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