Our year of maybe ~ Rachel Lynn Solomon ☆ Review

Our year of maybe ~ Rachel Lynn Solomon ☆ Review


I’ve finally gotten to this book 🥰 I first discovered it from a few bloggers ithink, one of them being Marie’s Review, and what attracted me right off the bat was the concept of living kidney donor as the plot of this romance. We know that Organ Donation have a very special place in my heart, especially kidneys, so I was very happy to find a copy to be able to finally get to it!!


Related posts; First impression: Our year of maybe, topics id wanna read more about; organ donation, Creating organ donation book synopsis.


Goodreads page
Reps; Jewish MC, Bisexual MC, Queer background characters, Teenage parents
 5 / 5 stars


This story is so close to my heart.. having went through Mother’s dialysis AND kidney transplant, I was overjoyed to have it represented in a book— furthermore giving us what they rarely tell you; that a person can change slightly after the transplant (per the donor’s DNA).

Being so young, I get Sophie’s wishful thinking that giving a part of herself to peter *might* make him love her .. that sortof sounds like the stuff out of a fairy tale — But I do also get Peter’s fear of her ever regretting being her living donor, and feeling guilty about it (Hell, for so long i’ve felt guilty myself for not being able to save my own mother).


Sophie can seem a bit harsh sometimes towards her sister, and a bit heartless.. though I understand completely as her parents never accepted the fact that she was gonna give an organ at such a young age; which don’t *quite* compare with her younger sister having had a baby so young.. though both do have consequences and change a life in multiple ways. I did felt the same ideology of “I’m gonna go through this no matter what, whatever the cost might be”, although differently of her, I wasn’t scared at all of the surgery… and I ended up not being a match. 

We also see the potential of how the receiving person’s life change so much after. They do get a different take at living – especially for Peter, who had always had it since he was a tiny child, thus never having known otherwise. So it was realistic of the author to have him explore more out of his world, out of Sophie; all thoses new things the poor teenager could now do, all thoses new people he got to meet.


I feared that the transplant would eventually take the backseat after a while, being only a turn of the plot and nothing else. As of which I’m happy to say it wasn’t, She added a little detail to the living organ donation that made sure that it lasted the whole book.

10/10 got emotional, especially a LOT towards the end.. but adored it. It’s not only a love story & organ donation tale; but also about finding your own path. About finding yourself after being defined by someone or something for so long.

2 thoughts on “Our year of maybe ~ Rachel Lynn Solomon ☆ Review

  1. I am so sorry to hear that your mother needed a transplant, I can’t imaging what a scary experience that must have been for you and your family. I hope she is doing well now.

    This book sounds like one of a kind. The concept is very unique and I love that the premise is built on something that happens to people often but isn’t really talked about. Great review! Thanks for pinging this on my radar <3

    1. Thank you so much ❤️
      She is doing so much better, yes! There’s still a bit of hiccups relating medication and etc.. but nothing as bad regardless- her drs were saying she was one of a kind, most needing dialysis still.. when she didn’t.

      Hopefully you’d love this book as much as I did, if you ever get to it xx

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