September ‘24 Wrap up 🍂

I can’t believe October is at our doors again.. my goddaughter will celebrate her second birthday in 2 days!! 😭 It’s true when they said time flies as you grew older..
September’s feels;
I’ve worked 6days a week for half of the month, as we were understaffed and training new girls.. but that’s okay because I needed the money 😅 as I told y’all in my Are we ever ready to lose someone? Post, my middle child & only daughter Sheik has been to the cardiologist this month. She had been diagnosed with the “mitral valve degeneration disease”, which means she’ll be taking two pills a day every 12hrs for the rest of her life.
Hands down I prefer giving her medication to have her stay with us longer, although we almost lost her at 2 years of age. She’s only 9 years old, i’ll gladly take another 10!
What I read this month;
Super good reading month, I’ve read 4 books! Two of which were from my Autumn TBR, so with the one unhauled, I just need to read two more books!
Tremblez! Crimes au japon / See you yesterday / headmaster’s list / le petit prince
September’s Highlights;
♥︎ No post skipped yet again 👏🏼 Apart of Randomized my TBR, Top Ten Tuesday & First line fridays, I’ve posted: Never forget; It’s always just a number ❤️, Newer bookish habits, Cover reveal; Us against the likes by Marie Voinson 💕 & Reorganizing my shelves & Major french books unhaul !
♥︎ Gaming wise i’ve bought Not tonight 2, a game I was so hyped for since I played the first one. Checking IDs is quite addictive 😅, i’ve sporadically played Sims 4 for the Reapers Rewards, and instead of buying the new Zelda game I restarted TOTK.
October bujo pages
In this post instead 🔮
How has your September been?
Modern medicine is really such a great thing! I’m glad they have found something that will work for your daughter, for now. <3 Looks like a great reading month too!
Thank you 🥰