Good morning! Onto another “special post” for Valentines’ day, here is a compilation of quotes of/about love that I personally like. You should know i’m actually quite bad to remember or write the quotes that I like.. so this post actually took it’s fair share of research 😅 Please ….
Tag: romance
Good morning my loves! What a better time to speak eroticas than within the month of love, am I right? 😘 Now please consider i’m not an experienced reader in this genre at all.. I only read one book thus far, First in, but here’s some elements that i’m really looking forward ….
Good morning, my people! I’ve done it !! I finished reading my 5th novel of the month 😄 This one was also on my Winter TBR, I have now only one more book to read in order to complete it. Goodreads page 5 / 5 stars I suspect Emma ….
Good morning! For no reason at all, I felt like doing a mini-review post with a couple of books; some of them would be french books, as of which i’m thinking in writing my thoughts in French first and have it translated into english under it. A season for ….
Good morning! Phew, what a couple of weeks it has been.. that made it pretty hard for me to read, honestly 😅 But I finally finished the book! ✨ Goodread’s page 4 / 5 stars So I actually only read two books in the trilogy (The cornershop & ….
Good morning! I finally decided to pick this one up 😅 after all the positives i’ve heard from it- ofcourse now I wonder why I didn’t picked it up sooner !! *Swooning Goodreads page 5 / 5 stars I feared I wasn’t gonna like it when I started.. but this is ….
Good morning! It’s time for mini-reviews, I don’t do thoses a lot (last time was in 2020) but ithought it was quite fitting for thoses two as I don’t have much to say for one, while the second I read in french- and i’m not too keen onto making french ….
Good morning, After finally having read our year of maybe from her, I had been so hyped to read her new novel too! Today tonight tomorrow aswell as The ex talk are next on my list- as i’m definately loving her work so far 💕 Goodread’s page 5 / ….
Good morning! It had been a while since i’ve borrowed a book from my library now, and even longer since I picked an audiobook! After exploring and listening quite a few extrait, I settled for finally picking up this one that I had put on my virtual wanna read shelf for a ….
Good morning! I’ve surprisingly haven’t read that many romance books this year.. On the 20 that i’ve read so far, about only 8 of thoses has been love stories. I however have a few favorite pairings, in the meantime of reading more of them! Becca & Bret; The upside ….