Month: February 2020

End of February, Early March 🍀

Good Morning, guys! Finally, February has came to an end too – although it was the shortest month of the year, it was all sort of mess for me personally xD As I’ve ended up being sick for like half of the month.. just starting to feel better since this ….

Words on Bathroom Walls ~ Julia Walton ☆ Review

Good Morning! Time for another review, This one has been on my tbr for a fairly long time, I think.. and I finally picked it up and finished it! 😄 If my memory serves my correctly, I think I got this book upon Sophie @ Beware of the Reader‘s recommendation… I’m ….

The Book Snob Tag

Good morning, I’ve been feeling out of the weather with a cold, it’s been two days now when this post will launch 🤦🏽‍♀️ So I thought why not go with a book tag for today! I took it from Mari @ Musing of a (book) girl, but it was created by tia ….

Un-healthy signs in relationships to look closely on

Good morning my loves, As Valentine’s day is rolling back around, this is as good of a timing as any to give us a reminder of what is some signs that your relationship *may* be un-healthy and possibly toxic. I’ve recently been there, and sometimes the signs doesn’t appear that ….

Mostly high rating reviews; to be trusted.. or not?

Good morning, y’all! I started with no idea for this post.. however, i’m gonna go with some “twitter drama” i’ve stumbled on; I mostly arrive WAY too late in the aftermath.. causing me to not know what in hell is happening x) but while scrolling my twitter feed late at ….