Heeya! Upon first glance at my blog, hell even within the name itself 😂, you can most definately guess what my favorite breed is! And just because I absolutely LOVE talking about them, here’s a more «off topic» rambly post about dogs 😘 * This idea has probably sat in ….
Year: 2020
Good morning, everyone! xx It’s finally looking like summer in canada~ We’re getting some heat, and *hopefully* winter shall be behind us for GOOD this time! May is coming to an end, and thus it’s our monthly rendez-vous to see what happened in my month :3 We’re starting with ….
Good morning! It’s been a while now that i’ve started my blog, and as you can’t see, I haven’t quite started the “design” part of it.. it looks pretty nice, but I would like to invest more into cover pictures, blog arts, and etc. So how about we just have ….
Hello !! While being at work, a question sprawn into my mind- and so let’s have a bookish discussion today ☺️ (seems like it’s been a while! Ahah) How realistic does books has to be, for you? * I’m not talking genres who can get away with creating their ….
good morning! I’ve been wanting to talk about breaking up for quite a while now (actually, since it happened… few months ago now), without actually having *quite* the words for it. I think i’m ready now to finally talk about all that, sharing some pieces of mind -and because I love ….
Helloo! It’s been quite a while that i’ve done a tag, let alone a “still relevant” with current event one! 😅 Although i’m kinda cheating here because erm.. i’m actually not stuck at home and my coffee shop just kept being open all the way through the lockdown *ahah erhm..* Anyway, moving ….
Hello Hello! As you may or may not have noticed; I had skipped my monday’s post, thus having this one on a “spontaneous” day rather than on schedule. In fact, My brain has been too caught up into panicking rather than onto forming coherent thoughts & sentences or even find ….
Good morning! xx Wether you’re struggling with mental health prior to this traumatizing event or not, Self-care and managing your mental health can be especially hard in times like this.. yes, even if you are in country like mine where we are slowly rebuilding a new normal and letting go ….
Heeya! Although that’s usually how I roll, I’ve been mood reading like crazy theses past months.. but quite more for a language rather than a “type/genre” of books, which was kind of a wierd discovery for me 😂 I was just in that type of months where I crave that ….
Heeyo!! Yep- TWO blogging with anxiety posts back-to-back .. just because I’d thought it would be cool to have them on two consecutive days as they both are subjects of “posts” in particular. My other “Blogging with Anxiety” posts; Feeling we’re not enough // Content Wise // Stats // Posts Paranoïa // Have I posted this before? ….