Hello all ! I somehow went into a panic as last week as I mistakenly thought it was May 19th instead of May 26th.. (How did I .. ?! No idea 😂) And If you paid attention to the prompt page, I actually inspired this question !! yaay !! 💗 I’ll try to ….
Author: Kristina
Heey ! 👋🏼 Are you one of thoses bloggers who are a bit sluggish/find it hard to do review posts? Well my guys, you are in luck 😘 I decided to give you my advices onto how I, myself, write my reviews and how I get to save so much ….
Heey, time for a tag again !! Okay- i’m actually cheating a bit as i’m actually not listening to the “X Files” at all *aherm* But I saw this nice tag over at Emmie @ Tea with mermaid‘s blog and I liked it, so i’m just gonna roll with it and ….
Heey yall !! Yet another converse post ?! why, yes.. you see, upon writing my last post, a question occured to me. so I thought “hey ! why not ask them !” ; you know how much I like babbling and having your returns, so here we go.
**Disclamer: I did received this book via an “open read” off NetGalley. This had in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it.** The nice cover is what attracted me to read this one, if i’m being honest – but the story also felt quite compelling! This book ….
Book hangover; A state where the reader is still hooked to previous finished book (world, characters, etc.). The reader cannot “cope” with said book ending and it may feel like torture to not have more to read from said book. Sounds harsh, eh ? Have you ever got thoses before ? ….
Heey !! Yees… iknow, iknow, i’m late as poetry month already passed us 😂 I’ve never read a poetry book (somehow..) before and as I finished my “YA fantasy” now, I shall be moving on with a poetry book for my next review request – thus where the idea of this come from ! ….
First, let’s qualify what a tbr is; it stands for “to be read”, and is used by book bloggers to describe the pile of books that waits to be read by them (or to fall and crush said blogger *aherm*) It may only be me, but I noticed there might be differents ….
** Disclaimer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This has in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it ** This is my first time reading and reviewing poetry, so please excuse myself if it’s a bit chaotic right ….
Hello my people ! I’ve been book blogging for a year now (on the tumblr counterpart) and on here for 5months already. I know it may seems kind of odd as it’s not what you are used to on my blog, but I felt the need the write an heartfelt ….