Category: Blogging

Anyone else having trouble with jetpack?

Hello! Something a bit different today, im slightly in a blogging slump for ideas, as I have a question for you guys regarding the Jetpack plugin. It started last week, at the same time that we got our power issue; they plugged a smart counter on our house to display our use ….

Returning ALL comments, a good idea ?

Good morning! As we know, people reading our blogs are mainly.. other bloggers! I know, and participated, into a challenge consisting of returning all the comments we’d get. Which seems like a good idea, you know, giving back and everything. Although it’s essential to be sure to bloghop and comment ….

Blogging struggles; titles??

Good morning! As we know, while blogging can be a wonderful experience and a nice hobby- it also takes a lot of work creating content.. which might be a constant “tab” in our heads that we have to keep a hold of. Sometimes- we run into a few struggles, as ….

Blogging with anxiety; chronological scheduling

Good morning! As always, facing anxiety, I always have lots of ideas for this little serie to share with y’all 😅 Let’s share our blogging anxieties together, and maybe some little remedies ahah   ✏︎ Check out the other things i’ve covered in this little serie   Anxieties with scheduling englobes ….

My blog-hopping pet peeves

Good morning! Blog-hopping is one of the integral part of being a blogger, no matter our niches, as it’s not rare that most of us will only interact with each other. I try to do so as much as I can, whenever I have a bit of time, like before ….

Blogging with Anxiety; ..What comes after?

Good morning! Having anxiety, there’s quite alot of things that goes through my mind.. alot of questions that maybe the general blogger without it might not actually think about.. but mainly this serie of posts is to try to find others like me and get their POV on the question. ….

Why I decided to blog in english (Fr/Eng)

Bonjour! Hello !    Pour ceux qui me connaissent déjà, je suis née française. C’est ma langue première et celle que j’utilise la majeure partie du temps, un bon 90% — avec mes proches, au parler comme à l’écoute de film. Mais alors pourquoi ai-je décidée d’écrire mon blog purement ….