Covid’s related blogging slump?

Morning, frends..
As we know, Covid has been/is putting his toll on all of us — for months i’ve been mainly working and gaming, waiting for my blog posts’ ideas to come back from war.. which they still haven’t 😐
As much as I know that I can skip posts (and have been doing more so last month), I don’t wanna take too much of a hiatus/skip too many post as i’m still anxious of losing my blogging habit. I know it’s a normal thing to lose our creative fields while in a stress such as a global pandemic.. but as it’s been more close to a year since, I definately feel like I should do better by now and have my slight imagination coming back..
While I do get some ideas here and there.. like posting my book haul that one time I went book shopping, the 5 things I was thankful for for our Thanksgiving, how I felt the motherly instinct kick in with my dogs… it’s still very too much sparse for my liking, and I don’t have much of a bank of scheduled posts anymore.
- Reading; I still haven’t read much since I posted the review of Halo on Oct. 26.. While I picked a rather small French read, i’m still haven’t reached the halfway point yet x)
- Gaming; While I could post something related to the new Hyrule Warrior when it comes out end of this month … for now i’ve been playing mostly my “old” games: New horizons, Sims 4 majorly, sometimes Friends of mineral town & Breath of the wild still.
- Memes; I do have some memes that I like doing/attempt to do when I have ideas for the prompts (Sunday’s post, Let’s talk bookish & Top Ten Tuesday for now), I however don’t quite like having a posting of solely memes for the WHOLE month either..
I’ve been wanting to post more about asexuality and dog-related stuff lately.. but for one i’m not sure if I wanna deal with that and for the second I haven’t really figured out what I wanted to talk about yet.
I guess I could also bring a monthly-post kind thing where I talk about my non-bookish favorites of the month … but that’s where i’m at right now 😅 Atleast i’ve been waking up less tired, which is good, but i’m basially just going to sleep and wake up *hoping* something would eventually wake up again..
Have you been in the same boat as me ?
What have you decided to do ? any ideas you’d wanna throw at me ?