October Wrap up 🍂

Good morning!

I started September with the vibe on high for spooky & autumn, and that took quite a hit this month with all that happen 😅  Thanksfully it wasn’t all bad, we got some good too, but it was a hectic month.


October’s Feels;

It started quite on the wrong foot as I got mysteriously let go of the job I loved so much after my probation period ended.. As I’m someone who don’t know who I am without work or even what to do with myself, yeah it was hard. 🫥  After the first 2weeks roughly, I started to get more depressive mode.

On the flipside, we celebrated my bestfriend’s birthday & my goddaughter was born 🥰 And I ended up going back to my barista job, starting today, the soothing part being that I don’t need to restart over as I sure know what i’m doing (left 6mos, been there 4yrs!) and iknow most people. As I got some shopping done for more work clothes, new shoes & new purse, I feel so much better at the end of the month than I did at the start!


What I’ve read;

Despite having lots more time on my hand, sadly my reading haven’t increased much. First I finished Finlay Donovan is Killing itand then I attacked a french book that had been on my Autumn TBR, Celle qui lisait dans mes pensées.

Out of the 5 books on said season TBR, I’ve read 3 out of them 👏🏼 Only two remaining, so i’m hopeful I can manage to finish it in November.


What i’ve watched & listened;

Mother and I had been enjoying the hollywood psychic, so we started the Netflix Serie “Life after death with Tyler Henry”. As I’m a big fan of paranormal shows, we also picked up “28 days haunted”. 

I got hooked on Yung Gravy this month.. with his Betty (get money)on the tune of Rick Ashley’s, but also C’est la vie; the second one being much more crude but I love it so much it’s catchy.. 😅



October’s Highlights;

♥︎ Sharing more personal posts, I’ve spoke about The invisible disabilitiesHow working retail had helped meMajora’s theory; When they love us after passing aswell as When depression hits; increased by winter & unemployment.

♥︎ Gaming wise, i’ve fell off my obsession.. I had returned to Sims 4 and I picked up Paper Mario off the N64 virtual console on the Switch. It was one of those games I didn’t had to experience growing up, so I was happy to find it on there, but i’m even more hyped for Pokemon Stadium coming next year! After having got my Majora tattoo made, I just had to boot up the N64 version of Majora’s Mask: I had only played that one a handful of times, and on the 3ds remade version.. the N64 is giving me way more troubles than I remember ahah..

♥︎ Months after adopting Majora, I finally went to have his “Character’s logo” added into my Zelda piece tattoo 🥰  As it had got done 5yrs ago, and I made the mistake of wanting the color before settling for filling the black too, I had the color on it redone aswell.



November’s Bullet Pages;

Previously shown in this post instead 🍂



How was your October? Did you get spooky?


    1. Thank you 🥰🥰
      It lasted 5hrs to make & recolor ahah- I was quite tired of being sat down 😅 but totwlly worth it

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