October Wrap up 🍂
Good morning!
I started September with the vibe on high for spooky & autumn, and that took quite a hit this month with all that happen 😅 Thanksfully it wasn’t all bad, we got some good too, but it was a hectic month.
October’s Feels;
It started quite on the wrong foot as I got mysteriously let go of the job I loved so much after my probation period ended.. As I’m someone who don’t know who I am without work or even what to do with myself, yeah it was hard. 🫥 After the first 2weeks roughly, I started to get more depressive mode.
On the flipside, we celebrated my bestfriend’s birthday & my goddaughter was born 🥰 And I ended up going back to my barista job, starting today, the soothing part being that I don’t need to restart over as I sure know what i’m doing (left 6mos, been there 4yrs!) and iknow most people. As I got some shopping done for more work clothes, new shoes & new purse, I feel so much better at the end of the month than I did at the start!
What I’ve read;
Despite having lots more time on my hand, sadly my reading haven’t increased much. First I finished Finlay Donovan is Killing it, and then I attacked a french book that had been on my Autumn TBR, Celle qui lisait dans mes pensées.
Out of the 5 books on said season TBR, I’ve read 3 out of them 👏🏼 Only two remaining, so i’m hopeful I can manage to finish it in November.
What i’ve watched & listened;
Mother and I had been enjoying the hollywood psychic, so we started the Netflix Serie “Life after death with Tyler Henry”. As I’m a big fan of paranormal shows, we also picked up “28 days haunted”.
I got hooked on Yung Gravy this month.. with his “Betty (get money)” on the tune of Rick Ashley’s, but also “C’est la vie“; the second one being much more crude but I love it so much it’s catchy.. 😅
October’s Highlights;
♥︎ Sharing more personal posts, I’ve spoke about The invisible disabilities, How working retail had helped me, Majora’s theory; When they love us after passing aswell as When depression hits; increased by winter & unemployment.
♥︎ Gaming wise, i’ve fell off my obsession.. I had returned to Sims 4 and I picked up Paper Mario off the N64 virtual console on the Switch. It was one of those games I didn’t had to experience growing up, so I was happy to find it on there, but i’m even more hyped for Pokemon Stadium coming next year! After having got my Majora tattoo made, I just had to boot up the N64 version of Majora’s Mask: I had only played that one a handful of times, and on the 3ds remade version.. the N64 is giving me way more troubles than I remember ahah..
♥︎ Months after adopting Majora, I finally went to have his “Character’s logo” added into my Zelda piece tattoo 🥰 As it had got done 5yrs ago, and I made the mistake of wanting the color before settling for filling the black too, I had the color on it redone aswell.
November’s Bullet Pages;
Previously shown in this post instead 🍂
How was your October? Did you get spooky?
I’ve watched 28 days haunted too, really liked it!
Yes me too!
How was 28 Days Haunted? Good?
Yes we liked it! The things that start happening to them just halfway was insane!
Your tattoos are so pretty! Glad the month ended well for you.
Thank you 🥰🥰
It lasted 5hrs to make & recolor ahah- I was quite tired of being sat down 😅 but totwlly worth it
Omg 5 hours?! The end look is worth it though.
I am so sorry you lost your job Kristina! Especially as you loved it!
It was such a shock.. totally out of the blue, didnt see that coming