Hello everyone! It has been since last year’s July that we had one of those posts.. but quite a LOT happened in the last two weeks of September, and i’ve been in need of talking about it. * This is my version of the meme “Sunday’s Post” going around ….
Year: 2023
Helloo! My most odd gaming habits is the fact that I don’t usually finish my games.. I play obsessively non-stop for a while, about a little more than halfway and I get drift onto another game that caught my attention- as of which I end up coming back to it, ….
Heey! Recently I wrote about what I like to see in my review requests, now let’s chat about if we “should” do it or not We know, one thing that mainly attracts us as new blogger is the promise of free books, along with shiny arcs. Most of us ….
Heey! As we know by now i’m a mood reader, so the way I pick my next read isn’t structured like- at all XD and yet twice now has it happened that my next read is similar to the one I just finished.. which is quite mind blowing! By “similar” ….
Heyoo! It’s quite unlike myself to talk so much about Non-Fiction.. but hey, that’s just what this year has been like, for some reason i’ve been graviting more toward this category of book rather than fiction. In my opinion, it just goes with any mood; even those I don’t even ….
Good morning, Happy autumn! First book that I decided to pick off my Autumn TBR is this horror middle grade; it was just before I went on my little vacation trip so I figured it’d be an easy read for me. * Please ignore the bad quality.. I’ve taken it ….
Heyoo! Fall is finally upon us! Although August turned to be more chilly after we got our AC fixed, I’m happy to be in Pumpkin Galore again ~ August’s feels; As we speak, I got a much needed week of VACAY <3 I gotta say I was pretty over anyone’s ….
Hello peeps, One later post than usual, as I’m on my vacation little trip here 💫 I had yesterday & the wrap up post ready, but wasn’t prepared for this one for lack of ideas 😂 I’ve tried writing this post earlier, but was at lost of words; especially recently, ….
As FB just reminded me a couple days ago, it has already been 4years since my last relationship- and you know, with bestfriend having her baby and not staying up as late (totally understandeable!), I do get that lonely feeling often and would just like to talk with people. So ….
Heey! It’s been a while that I’ve made a seasonal TBR, as my winter one had been a disaster 💀 I had choosen to skip Spring & Summer not entirely sure about Spring now,but can’t remember I made this one with various genres, as it can be achieved with ….