Category: Gaming

My latest gaming obsession; SoS A Wonderful Life ✨

Heey! After 2months & a half of obsessing over Tears of the Kingdom, and not wanting to finish it, another of my hyped game finally released!! Thus I decided to promptly *not* finishing that game and jump onto this one instead! because that’s what we do here 😂 I had originally bought the OG ….

My latest gaming obsessions; Zelda Tears of the Kingdom 💞

Good morning everyone! Now that a week has passed since I begin trekking the kingdom, I can finally come back to being a regular human again 😅 Being slightly less obsessed and being able to do other things than gaming all waking moments *aherm* As I was working when this launched, I ….

Last gaming obsession 🎮 Oregon Trail

Helloo! It’s been a while since I last obsessed over a game; truthfully I had thought that was gonna be something else, and then I lost my island so I went back to Animal Crossing new horizons, and then back on Sims 4.. 😅 However! As I upgraded my phone ….

Last Gaming Obsession 🎮 Zelda Majora’s Mask N64

Good morning everyone, We’re into the oldies this time! Ironically, although two of my three animals come from this game (Kafei & Majora), I actually only played it once.. 😅 The 3days circle used to freak me out, and as I was borrowing my uncle’s 64 growing up, I didn’t had ….

Last gaming obsession 🎮 Potion Permit

Good morning! I have been loving my friend Meeghan’s “Monday Mini’s”, where she’ll do a mini review of her recent gaming experiences. While I did something similar previously called “Gaming Mini reviews“, I do much prefer the new name of “Last gaming obsession” as of which I’m tweaking it a bit.. It ….

5 games perfect for Halloween (Without being Scary!)

Helloo, Videogames are another of my passion, i’m currently pretty hooked onto My time at Portia again now that I’ve unlocked a few more things.. However, as we’re all in the mood for spooky, I thought which games would just be perfect to put us all in the mood? Ofcourse no ….

My 5 gaming pet peeves

Good morning everyone! As I’ve already shared my bookish pet peeves in romance books, aswell as bloghopping pet peeves, it’s now time to share those I have about gaming too ! 😘 Most are about gameplay, but there’s an exception; ofcourse this is not in order of which one piss me ….

What’s your comfort Videogame?

Good morning! It’s been a while since we had a nice videogame chats, so that’s what I have for you today 😌 Gaming can serve the same purpose as reading would; which can be either connecting with people, or simply escape reality for a little while. I’m sure we all have ….