Good morning everyone, Here it is, we are finally saying goodbye to 2021.. I still don’t know how to feel about that 😅 While i’m happy to start using my new spreads and new reading challenges and all- it also feels kinda wierd? ofcourse we knew eventually it was gonna be ….
Year: 2021
I’ve made it; here’s starting onto this new year for me. My 27th year on this planet, on this 27th day of December — if legends are true, this shall (hopefully) be my year! If I shall be honest with y’all.. I would’ve never guessed that I would’ve had ….
Good morning! Phew, what a couple of weeks it has been.. that made it pretty hard for me to read, honestly 😅  But I finally finished the book! ✨ Goodread’s page 4 / 5 stars So I actually only read two books in the trilogy (The cornershop & ….
For the last month, or even as early as straight after Halloween ended, we’ve been seeing Christmas cheers everywhere. More than the majority of us have been Jolly in the Christmas atmosphere all around us; within those who do celebrate it. Don’t get me wrong, I do have happy early ….
Good morning! I found this one through tumblr, made my @BookOfmirth, and I wanted to use it to answer it all in one post rather than answer them through asks giving me only certain numbers 😅 I do prefer this one compared to the other ones i’ve seen floating around, ….
Happy Sunday, everybody! This week has been a loaded one 😬 I’ve been barely reading at all, as i’ve been busy working 8days in a row, with one being a 10hrs shift. Come evening, I wasn’t really in the mood to read to be honest, going to bed as early at ….
Good morning! Although I still don’t know what I wanna do in terms of challenges, or basically anything 😅, for 2022 yet- I know what I don’t want! Habit trackers are taking a go for me! Related; Bullet Journaling with anxiety I’ve talked about how the first format ….
Good morning! It isn’t quite mid-month yet, but ithink i’m ready to go over my reading challenges of 2021 and compile the results! At most, i’d only add 2 or 3 books that I finish this month- so that’s not too too bad. I had only partake in three challenges this year, ….
Heey! I don’t know if i’m alone on this.. but whenever I do read a book that have dogs in them, I pay close attention to how they’ve been written and included in the story. Are they used as a “props” and just mentioned here and there and not really ….
Good morning! I finally decided to pick this one up 😅 after all the positives i’ve heard from it- ofcourse now I wonder why I didn’t picked it up sooner !! *Swooning Goodreads page 5 / 5 stars I feared I wasn’t gonna like it when I started.. but this is ….